
Week 5 Update:
I think news travels the same way news travels in real life, you usually hear it from someone else. When I'm in the game you can see what people talk about so it feels like I'm overhearing someones conversation. The information you hear in second life is very diverse because, people that share information have different opinions and can share their views a little more openly than in the real world. The unintended audience may be people that don't follow news because they just aren't in second life to hear about politics, but when they do hear someone's opinion in second life it could make them take their word for it and pass it along to other people that also don't keep up with news and it creates a cycle of fake news. The power of media in second life is a little under-powering because its a game that is manipulated by people's intentions and very different opinions. While word of mouth is also the same i guess because the story changes the more the story is passed along and people in the game catch glimpses of it and remember what they saw differently.


Week 4 Update:
Second life interacts by helping anyone be the same or not be the same person because you can make yourself unique or you can choose to be normal if you're someone thats famous. Anyone that has a computer has the privilege to be anyone in Second Life and even set rules for their world if they are not comfortable with other people worlds. What i like about SecondLife is that anyone can play this game as long as you're in reach to internet and a pc. The game is represented by many creative people that strive on making an experience or even dreams of their own into something physical, something that can be seen and interacted with. Me personally if i played this game a couple years ago when i had more time to do things i would have immediately been hooked because the game functions are really advanced for the time it came out. Video games are just recently starting to be huge now but second life has so much territory to be explored. The community it holds i feel would let anyone fit into the game just avoid the people that are looking to be "funny".


Sculpture Center:
My first experience walking in to the museum was hearing the loud static noice that was all around the museum. I noticed that when you change to different art sculptures the sound changes. I really loved the lock on target slide and the wave slide because I saw some cool stuff from holding up the cards to my eyes. For the lock on card i shot a photo of the tunnel in the basement, i thought it looked really cool when you hold up the card to see how the point of view changes. The tunnel became blurry and the target indicators were the focus of the shot. the second slide i really liked because i held to the camera and started moving it side to side on the sculpture with the tv's suspended in the air over the water. I thought that one was very cool also because the reflection of the light was making the image disoriented enough and when you hold the card over that image the view changes and it seems to add another ripple effect on top of the already rippling water. I really enjoyed the museum.
I don't know where I'm suppose to upload my pictures and video so i uploaded it on Github heres the link


Week 3 Update:
playing the game SecondLife to me feels almost the same in terms of how rules are put into place and I see most people in the lobbies I join, don't like to follow them. I feel like its almost second nature for some people to do the opposite of what their told and I see that a lot in second life. I was in a lobby that had specific rules in order to remain in there but, i see people go in and just do what their not suppose to be doing. I mean me personally i don't care what they do because i know theres plenty of people that wont listen to rules. And its just like real life, theres many people that choose not to follow rules and theres people that just don't care what other people do about the rules. The only difference between the game and real life is that in game you could just get kicked out of the lobby you join but, in real life you could potentially get in trouble or just hurt yourself. (for example if you have a job and your boss sets some rules and you choose not to listen, you will get fired.) probably a bad example but i hope people get what I'm trying to say.


Week 2 Update:
My second week on second life I explored around, went to some bar's because i figured that it would be a hot spot for socialization and surprisingly most of the spots i went to didn't really have any people but had some really good music. I think thats one of the things i actually enjoy about second life, the random music that play's. I still have yet to play with my friend Jakub even though i already accepted his friend request.


Week 1 Update:
The game graphics remind me a lot the game Runescape. It was my first game played on a computer and this game really made me feel the way i felt when I first started playing a pc, very nostalgic. The controls are simple to use and there's a lot of content in the game. so far i jumped from world to world just seeing what was available. i saw some signs in some worlds that would tell me it was restricted areas, but i was never forced out of the world. i actually played with a classmate (rongfei). The way you interact with people is the same as Runescape where you can type to anyone in a certain area. looking forward to finding more people in my class online. 

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