
Week 5 Update:
I believe information are traveling through second life is meeting different avatars from the game like how you do it in real life. Where you listen to someone's conversation and they talk about a location that sounds really cool and you go check it out. I've only seen this event page on the game where they show the most popular events that you can check out also. It is similar like seeing a post on social media and you suddenly get interested in checking it out in person. I still don't understand how the game works completely because of the limit I have of using it but I believe the people that created the game decides to show what events are happening and decide to put in public. I believe anyone from the audience can see it, but I believe there is a limit on how many can go in. The power of media is when you see the most popular post that has the most likes online and gets shared to your friends or family and I believe the word of mouth on second life is where it wouldn't matter if it was popular or not. You're interested in checking it out anyway because you cannot see a preview of the place or event for second life.


Week 4 Update:
When starting the game for Second life, they do ask for your birthday when starting the game because I don't think this would be fit for kids. It looks like from your body, you can wear whatever you want because it people's bodies shows a lot of skin or you can have a fantasy body and you don't have to be yourself. You can be someone else and it's really cool experience putting another body because it feels like you are another person, but you are still yourself, but outside the game. I believe any body can be entered into this world, but I am not sure if they have children bodies as an option because that's another kind of body. You can represent as someone else because you don't have to identify yourself as a normal human if you don't want to. I feel like I fit in this world because no one is stopping me from who I want to be and I can change my body without having any rules or regulations. I haven't communicated with anyone yet with the game because I have a limit in playing the game, but every time I go to another dimension. I don't really find anyone and see their styles of Avatar so I don't how it is like. I am always by myself in the game when I play.


Sculpture Center:
I used this clear lens that the artist used and quote a name of a title for the art that’s in front of you. My title for this is “Uniqueness” because I have never seen an art like this before. This transformation changed the meaning of art to me because I didn’t know our body is used for art and I just want to understand why people used their body for art. When I passed by this art and stopped right in front of me, I was trying to figure out why they used different woman body parts and put it on a television and put it on top of each other. Why was it only four different sections of the body that was only shown on television? It made me question myself a lot when I stopped and saw that piece of art and it made me think why it’s unique and this is why I titled the art right there. 
I used this frame that said to predict the future and I put it over the artwork of two people playing ping pong on two separate televisions and there was an actual pong table behind the two televisions making it seem like they were there. When I put it over the television, I predicted the woman on the right side of the television would lose and she actually lost a point and I was surprised that I actually predicted it correctly. The transformation changed for me because I don’t usually predict anything about art and it caught more of my attention and I felt surprised and happy that I predicted it correctly and it made me interact more with the art and see it more clearly. Experiencing the world through another lens makes me understand the things of I view by seeing it through another person’s perspective and understanding what they see and what we see through their designs on their frames. It made me see someone’s artwork more clearly and a bit more fun and understandable through the frames.


Week 3 Update:
My opinion of the rules hasn't changed, I still can't understand much of the game because I have a limit on the game but the only thing I can really do is teleport to one destination to another and today I teleported to an open art gallery and I saw amazing art from that destination and that was a cool experience. The only rule that is different from our real life is changing ourself as another person and we can't do that in person or travel to another destination like how we can in person and we have to buy a flight to travel somewhere that we dream of going to. Second life has that similarity of our dreams still becoming a dream but it feels like you're really there. I haven't socialize with anyone from the game yet because it has been isolated and I hope someday I can see how it feels like to socialize with someone.


Week 2 Update:
I went back to use Second Life and played it again, but I couldn't play so much because I would feel cautious in using it so much but I did go back to the same place that I was before and I really liked how they save your game and show you where you were last time and you can still roam around the same area. I was still in the same museum that was dark and then I decided to teleport and I didn't know how to teleport to another area, but I did find a global earth icon and it showed different destinations you wanted to go to and I went to this Island, that I can't clearly remember the name. Before I teleported, I decided to change my avatar and I really like how you don't have to keep the same avatar all the time if you don't need to. I stopped the game from there because I wasn't feeling so well after playing it for five minutes. Also, when I teleported I didn't see any other avatars around me, so I was lonely.


Week 1 Update:
This was my first time hearing about this game and I tried it out on my Mac laptop and I couldn't download it at first because my laptop was not letting me, but I finally downloaded the game and I chose my avatar and I found it amazing how you can choose an avatar that looks like a regular everyday human of a different kind of look or career or choose fantasy characters. I really liked how it shows to play the game by giving instructions while being inside the game. I saw a few characters in the game, but there wasn't much interactions so I was playing on my own. I didn't get to play everything because I can't play video games or online games so much because I start feeling nauseous (I know, it's weird to say) but I tried my best playing it for a short time and I really like the avatar! I wish had more time to play the game to understand how the concept works, but also the game kind of lags on my laptop.

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