Week 7 (October 25 + 30)

Hi all,
Sorry this is late. We've made our qualitative questions and we're well on our way to building our project!

SecondLife has the potential to bring people together across different nations. However, that potentially utopic impulse is subverted by the ways in which people are meant to fend for themselves. As you have reported, people aren't always welcoming.

What are some strategies that you would employ to make SecondLife feel more communal?
What will you do with your personal projects to make them more accessible?


  1. Some strategies i would implement to make people more communal is probably have a word with rules and i would focus on making it welcoming for people of different countries. Another way i would approach this would be to make the game not feel if it were too social but more of a hands on world that wouldn't require to much social interactivity of the person's life but to get the person to feel busy online. Maybe creating worlds that would require them to learn a little bit about the creators language. To keep them focused on something interesting. For my project i would like to apply something similar but maybe not language. I would use friendly soothing colors and sound.

    My 3 Main Topic Notes On Podcast:

    I like how they speak on how social justice movements will turn bad because of how much hate is being spread using the social media platform today. I agree with this because you have people that genuinely have valid reasons for standing up for themselves and being a symbol of hope to people in real and similar situations by standing behind a movement (#Metoo movement). But there are bound to be people that take advantage of a movement and misuse the movement to create division.

    I agree with what Jaron said about general problems are not the problem on the internet but the sheer quantity of problems. I agree with this because general problems can be dealt with but the rise of social media just gives people the platform to always be angry about something. People always find something to be mad at no matter what, I think its human nature now that social media is a huge part of our daily life.

    I think it’s interesting that Jaron said that he’s heard conversations with individuals that he refused to name about sedating people that will become less essential because of the increase of technology. I think it’s scary that he’s heard people of power even mention that because it makes me wonder if this is a possibility in the future for all the people that will lose jobs because of the rise of technology.

  2. I would make second life more communal by adding more features that you can interactive more, like better game rooms or common social places. The way how we communicate in second life is through a chatbox or standing next to someone and a lot of times your ignored. Maybe a stats of your interest and a VR version of yourself walking around and do VR events with others like exploring nature sights or roller coaster rides, that way it will be easier to communicate on common interests, like beaking the ice.

  3. i would make second life more communal by adding some task assignment or more games that people can interact more, people in second life usually communicate by chatbox. and i believe most of people do not talk to other people until someone talk to you first, so this will cause people feel boring and nothing to doing after play a while in second life. therefore, i think to add some game or task assignment can make second life more interesting, at least people have some thing to do in order to make people have more communication. for my project i may add some common games from different countries like cherckers, five-in-a-row.

    1. my note of podcast

  4. I would make more guideline for people so that they can experience all basic function in the game, know what kind of things they can do, and look around the world but not just teach how to operate their avatars. I think people don't really try something they don't know, so giving them a chance to try it may make them more interested in the game. Also, I would make some games or activities that allow many people to participate, so people don't have to communicate but interact with others first. Creating common memories is the best way for people to get to know each other quickly. For my project, I would use what is commonly seen in our daily life, trying to make it as simple as I can, so no one will feel pressure or frustrated.

    1. Podcast:
      I think their conversation really make me think that how much VR can have strong influence to people. Jaron said people feel themselves as a individual in a remarkable way. I think because people have to move their body parts purposely in order to interact, they would very focus on what they see and be surprised at what they perceive. They can be impressed with their experience in VR, so it is easy to influence people's thoughts and concepts.
      Moreover, at the end of the podcast, Jaron mentioned when people took off VR device and suddenly saw flowers, they would deeply think about "real world." I am surprised because I always think people are attracted by the artificial world that they can do many impossible things or have special experiences. I feel like those people are very involved in the world of VR, so they will compare the differences real world and virtual world. I think VR not only give people a chance to experience many things, but also make us think.

  5. The 2 reasons on what should be employed in second life that would be communal is censoring people that is saying something beyond inappropriate even for those under 18 years of age or something that could lead to cyber bullying to ensure their safety especially when the user is a minor and is present. The other thing is blocking users from showing addresses and cursing under the age of 13. Another reason is making servers for each continent or labeling the languages that they are able to speak so that way it can be easy for users to interact with a language their familiar with. As for personal objects it can be more accessible to those of all ages. As well as not limiting the access to friends or limiting other users outside. Those are my point of views to second life.

  6. [MavisBubbleGum] I would make more of creating instructions on how to go to one world to another one because I still get confused in how to go to one world to another one and I really don't like searching on how doing that. Also I would try to create more varieties of different worlds of something that people would like. Also people should feel more welcomed when playing Second Life because every time I am surrounded by different characters, they really don't communicate. It feels like they are robots to me and I wish there are moments where if somebody made you feel uncomfortable on the game, to try to kick them out from the world because it is inappropriate when you try to explore and somebody comes in and bothers you and you don't want to communicate in that way. Maybe if there were mini games to play from second life, you will have more interactions with the other characters in the game.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. To make second life more communal I think the game needs more detailed instructions as to how people should move around and how different characters can move from one portal to the other and there should be more interactive games within the second life world to make players become more interactive instead of just roaming around the space.


    The conversation was very powerful and it also made me have a different look about technology and the world we're living in. It also made me realize how much VR can have strong influence on people. Jaron said people feel themselves as a individual in a remarkable way. I think because people have to move their body parts purposely in order to interact, they would very focus on what they see and be surprised at what they perceive. They can be impressed with their experience in VR, so it is easy to influence people's thoughts and concepts. The most interesting part of the podcast was when he mentioned about our behavioral pattern that when humans come off as a wolf park it takes off from the individuals that we are as to when we come off alone, that there will be more room for us to interact and be our true self where as the wolf park will have some type of boundaries controlling your imagination. I believe that VR will not only give people the chance to experience many things and explore their imagination, but it will also make them look at things more differently.

  9. m95x:i think rules for second life should be set for specific rooms like for an example 18+ ROOMS or rooms for people with similar interests. There also can be some minigames or something along that to win merits of access for certain funtions or goals. In IMVU which is somewhat similar to second life i know they have set rules for certain rooms and worlds.

    Notes on the podcast:
    I find it interesting how they speak about social media platforms like the contrast between facebook and podcasts as well. Also i love how they talk about how in social media can be taken out of context like on twitter compared to podcasts. I like how they talk about social media movements that take place and how there is backlashes then. How hopefulness and pride was with there movements but also there is also negativity. They spoke about black lives matter to speak about this example. How black lives matter became huge from starting in social media but this also normalizes racism cause this movements.

  10. PointgodGaming: (Sharieff) well as for second life i would employ some sort of mandatory mission or objective to where the users must interact with at least 7 people helping them complete something. And to make my personal project more accessible i would make it as easy to understand to where kids like 5 would know what to do.

    Response to podcast: This podcast was very insightful and not only that i had found that this podcast was also very interesting. I found this podcast interesting because I could actually understand what he or they were talking about in terms of social media concepts. like how social media impact and compared platforms in which i use like facebook.

  11. I never really had any unwelcoming experiences during my play through in Second Life, but strategies to employ in Second Life to make it more communal for other players is to create communities for certain interests. By doing so, all players are able to feel welcomed and comfortable during their experience.


    Dispute with Timothy Larry:
    - Larry Argued that society should just bust apart ego through a combination of arts to create a "beauty of wonder and peace"
    - Larry's argument seems idealistic, but impractical.

    -"Being decent is a process thats hard" - Important quote that can't fully agree with.

    - The Free Software Movement in the 1980's is something that I'd like to see happen in our current era. I do agree that we shouldn't be paying for expensive software when they are a necessity in the new media industry. I'd like to see it happen someday, where companies are able to distribute programs for free and readily accessible for all.
    - But even if there is a demand for free stuff, people do it in the context of capitalism. Everything online /could/ be free, but profit could be generated through advertisements. In the long run, capitalism turns into behaviorism, and people want their pay.

    Lim [thiefdroid]

  12. Chris/lightdroid

    In my experience, people will not behave the same way in virtual worlds as they would in real life. For this reason I find it in a sense impossible to make Second Life more communal. Second Life already is as communal as it gets. There is a world for every kind of person and it just takes finding that world to feel welcome and accepted by the community.

    I would suggest making the world navigation system more in-depth, rather than just a world name like "London", specify what kind of people inhabit this world or what people in this world like to do. That way you enter a world knowing what kind of people you will face.

    Ezra Klein Show - Jaron Lanier

    "Corporate marketing ruining people and the world"?
    "Utopian thinking CAN turn you into a pointless vandal"
    -Homeopathic Utopianism"
    "Imagining how things could go wrong"
    -Changes in Language"
    "Massive theft" of Language
    -Basic idea of markets lost
    "The story of us"
    -You can control more limbs in virtual reality
    -Incentives vs Pure Attention getting in social media
    -Literacy and Incentives
    -Founder of Oculus was a "Shitposter"?

  13. I would make the game play more easier for people to get around, also make the quality better but i understand the game has to be fit for all sources (computers)
    playing second life i feel as if I am limited like i cant do certain things because i do not have any money and i really dislike the fact that i couldn't make my own character... i had to choice from the pre made ones.. which i did not like any of them!!! , i would make it more free for the player to create who the would feel fit them. also i would have worlds were i would give people the opportunity to build what they wanted with out any restrictions.

  14. Wilson (DominicanAvatar1996) - I think one way would be to try to show things we like that we like in a board chart right next to our character. Meaning if they saw you they can see your interest and if they have something in common with you, they might talk to you.

  15. shahake

    i learn a lot from second life, the key to success on VR is to make it interactive, second life is a interactive game, it basically like the real life, however everything is online, we can communicate, we can finish missions, we can dating, everything we can do in real life we can do it now online, although sometimes it is not real, but this is important for a game ----interactive

  16. Well add more stuff so people could engage in similar to how the sims game is.Also there should be more options for how we interact like shortcuts for getting around and other locations

  17. Maybe it's because I'm Anti-social, but I'm alright with the idea of being on my own. I have interacted with people, but we hardly meet or keep in touch afterwards. I've decided to keep moving forward with what I wish to do in Second Life. You can not control how people will interact with you. I just keep an open mind and an open eye for anyone who wishes to talk or interact with me in someway in Second Life. I don't force myself on other users in the game.

  18. 1. Technology you have to experiment and see what outcome the results concludes in whether or not they become successful or in successful.

    2. Everything you get off the internet gets free, but payment comes mostly from viewing advertisements.

    3. 80% candidates how wants a job at zipper curter gets a call in 1 day.

    4. Companies prefer individual behavior then group behavior in order to give the companies best results.

    5. Ezra’s field in New Media is working as a digital journalist, and he continued raising his career by starting of with making a blog to grab the audiences attention.

    6. When Ezra entered the height of his career from beginner to professional he left his personal blog that he created in blog spot in 2009 to work for Washington post.

    7. Becoming a more successful blogger is when people give you URLs to keep readers as well as having the opportunity to having yourself be book marked by those readers.

    8. He also had to create content that people would seem interested that they might want to come back whenever he post something new that would draw most attention to.

    9. He explains of having to create a tail to give to people in vr and if there right aspects of the vr in the tail are correct then it can be used to smash all types of things such as items.

    10.Facebook buyed oculus due to the fact that it involves socialization and is seen as a human individual being in it.

  19. Shanice [bangbangmoney]

    For myself, I would suggest more daily challenges or adventures to guide new users. As a new user, you're just thrown into a world without much direction or idea of what to do or where to go. I had an unpleasant first start and if I was given a push in the right direction of how to operate or "succeed" in SL, that would've encouraged me to play the game longer than 5 minutes. It gets very lonely when you don't know anyone in the game and you are fending for yourself until you're approached by a much experienced player or a newbie just like you. For my personal projects, I would try to make them more accessible by keeping people with a variety of disabilities in mind. Keep fonts a good size for easy viewing, no sudden noises without warning, no harsh moving needed, could be played while sitting down or with minimal movement, etc.

  20. add things such as challenges because games now at days have those kind of things. Like on NBA 2k there's events and things like that so people could engage better. For example the sims game is a lot more interactive and they both were made in the early 2000s.

  21. Mr.SimplyAmazing : Some strategies to make is to implement real life things such as the sims, like using the bathroom, eating, showering , etc. It should feel like you're living in a another world with real life aspectations.

  22. If you ask me, their would always be people that will be unwelcome, either because they don't like them or just for the trolling. Even if it's all well, someone will screw it up, but it doesn't mean it's completely hopeless for the players can ban those players or the the creators of the game can add or change the rules.
